How do you get funding for your historic building in Germany?

In order to receive historic preservation funding, historic property must be classified as a historic building. For this purpose, the property is first closely examined and inspected by the monument protection authorities makler historische immobilien.

It is important to discuss the planned measures with the authorities before the start of the renovation, because firstly this is one of the requirements for the monument protection subsidy that applies everywhere and secondly the monument protection authority can order the reversal of measures that have not been approved.

We have some eligible real estate offers in our portfolio that have already gone through this lengthy procedure.

KfW supports renovation of historical buildings with subsidies

KfW grants subsidies for the energy refurbishment of historic buildings that have been classified as architectural monuments. One of the requirements is the involvement of a qualified expert who accompanies the refurbishment with his expertise. In addition, special requirements must be met with regard to the energy efficiency of the building. The KfW subsidy is aimed both at owners who want to occupy their listed building themselves and at capital investors. If approved, KfW grants low-interest loans of up to 100,000 euros and repayment subsidies of up to 7,500 euros.



