Various Analysis Tools Applied To The Newspaper Industry Essay

Executive Summary
The industry of Gazeteler is in changing state. There are cuts. These affect different aspects of public administration and civil society in various ways. A PEST perspective gives you a overview of the industry and the impact it has on the Social, Political, Economic and technological areas.
Introduction to PEST Analysis

A PEST analysis can be described as an analysis tool that allows you to gain an understanding on a specific product or service. It was developed through Francis Aguilar, a harvord professor. The letters in PEST are the various perspectives that the object is viewed from. These are the three categories: Economic, Political technological, Social and Technological. This type of tool is a part within the field that includes Environmental Scanning and it has numerous applications for strategic plan. It is able to predict the current and future climate of an organization or industry. Another variant that uses this PEST software is PESTLE that considers environmental and legal aspects into account. Different analyses are applicable to different areas based on the economy that supports these analyses. The analysis relies on the gathering of macro data from the four angles that comprise the acronym. To facilitate this presentation PEST analysis is applied to the field of newspapers across both emerging and developed economies.
PEST of Current Status and Outlook of the Newssaper Industry

Newspapers, it appears, are headed for the door, as per author Philip Meyer, cited in an article in 2006 Economist article entitled, “Who killed the newspaper.” In 2043, Meyer says they’ll be at the end of their road from the market. The Internet is blamed as the cause of the demise of the newspaper (Economist 2006). The current situation of newspapers and their perspective on the future has distinct effects when viewed from different angles. By using the PEST method of analysis, the consequences can be analyzed through the economic, political technological, and social lens.
Political Implications in

Newspapers can be an effect either positive or negative on a politician. The way the media, particularly the newspapers, present them is the subject of many a political strategist’s meetings for strategic planning. Internet advertisements are the most effective thing that’s ever happened to target a particular consumer within the same demographic. Barack Obama was greatly helped during his campaigns in 2008 and 2012 by the power of his machine online.
Political leaders will be able put in their plans for strategic planning more specific rather than a broad approach to marketing their candidacy. Candidates who know how to handle their online presence Internet will be better able to promote their candidacies.
As per Mathew Ingram’s report on things, Reuters, the news service that many newspapers use to get reports, is also in decline due to the changing of the market for media. The multi-million-dollar project Reuters embarked on to modernize it for twenty-first century standards was cut off before its completion. In essence, Reuters was shaking the white flat in order to bring it up to date. The impact of this has already affected the journalism that appears in newspapers. The investigative journalism which exposed for instance scandals like the Water Gate scandal seems not to be at the same extent that it was when Rupert Murdoch was quoted in the Economist article “rivers of gold.”
Fundraising, in the way it is now with NGOs, is moving to becoming an online marketplace for politicians. Regarding government regulation of slander, it’s likely to be more difficult to pass laws on slander to will stop false rumors becoming viral on the internet. It can be difficult to pinpoint the origin of these falsehoods.
If we look at the function of the newspaper in the near future, and the impact it will have on the times of Vietnam The budget cuts will force newspapers to collaborate with partners instead of having branch offices in countries that are of importance. News from the trenches, in a sense, would originate from those who are in the trenches via distribution methods as Youtube. As for the impact this will have on the power structures and in power, they will have less power to keep the peace. However, it appears these revolutions that took place on the internet, like Occupy Wall Street, the Arab Spring and also the Occupy Movement did not lead to the same level of significant and profound changes as their predecessor revolutions during the 1960s and 1970s when the masses were unrelentingly organized.
Economic Implications to Newspapers

The Guardian reported in 2013 that Lloyds List, the oldest continuously published newspaper that was still printed, was in the process of being folded. Since 1734, it was an important source of information for those working in the industry of shipping. With 97 percent of its business going to the internet it was a smart decision to make. In order to stay in business, a lot of companies such as Lloyds list are switching to becoming an entirely online company. However, it was an act of symbolic closure in an industry which is witnessing significant cuts in their budgets because of the shifting of ad dollars. Budgets that are slimmer and smaller will continue to impede newspaper publishers as they continue to be lost to a generation who has only been exposed to technology and the internet as a source of news.
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